What Future Trends Will Affect Senior Care

What Future Trends Will Affect Senior Care

After spending a busy life, seniors don’t consider relaxing in their retirement. Instead, they want to spend this time giving attention to the things they missed. They want to spend time with their friends and families.

Approximately 10,000 US citizens turn 65 every day. This will go on from today to 2030, after that, it will increase. Whereas according to the US Census Bureau, seniors make up to 20% of the population.

With this influx in the senior citizens, how will it impact the future of senior care? 

Redefine The Meaning Of “Community”:

Every day, about 10,000 people reach the age of 65 in the USA. Due to this, the expenses of upkeeping senior care can increase ten folds. To overcome this, senior living communities should be converted into accessible neighborhoods. The larger community around this neighborhood will increase the efficiency of senior care.

The community around the “Senior community” would expand its services to older adults. Thus, even the non-residents of the community will get an opportunity to benefit from it.

It will eventually help in providing affordable housing for the staff. The families of these staff members would then help solve staffing challenges faced by this elderly care.

Expand The Built and Unbuilt Environment:

The outdoor features such as gardens, paths, etc. of a senior care center are important. But the indoor features of the care center cannot be ignored. The indoor spaces of these residences can be redesigned to allow flexibility and increase their uses. For this, there can be following improvements made,

  • Moveable walls that can convert large spaces into smaller ones, and vice versa.
  • Healthcare spaces that are designed for technology and privacy.
  • Balconies and patios will provide space for active and passive pursuits.

These ideas, when implemented, will improve the environment of the senior care centers.

Using Technology at Senior Care:

Technology has advanced at a high pace. With other improvements, the healthcare sector has improved tenfold. Care homes can benefit from these advancements and increase the productivity of the staff.

Some examples of how Senior Care might use technology for the betterment of senior citizens are mentioned down below.

Controlling Dosages:

One of the biggest problems with Seniors is the loss of memory over time. So one can forget if they took their prescribed medicine or completely forgot about it. Chances are they can end up having double dosage too. That’s why Senior Care can use smart pillboxes. These boxes won’t only remind the residents to take medication. But it will also inform the staff members if the medicine was taken on time or not.

The senior care houses can also program these pillboxes to control the dosage and timings too.

Monitoring Devices:

Monitoring devices have gained accuracy over time. These devices can track the user’s heart rates, sleep patterns, and location without human resources.

These devices come in various shapes and sizes. Wearable devices, smart mattresses, and motion detection devices can be used for monitoring. Communities around the US are already experimenting with these, and the results are remarkable.

Virtual Reality:

Using VR at senior care homes can be a thing in the future. With VR, the residents can experience their hobbies while staying at the care homes. If it’s fishing, farming, or going for a picnic, everything is possible. Those senior citizens that have difficulty walking can use VR to have a peaceful and calming experience.

Voice Assistants:

Voice Assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home play an important role in performing automated tasks or reminding about certain tasks. For senior citizens, tasks that include Smart devices are complicated. They can voice command these assistants to perform technological tasks for them.

These voice assistants can remind them about the medicines’ dosage or if they need to visit the doctor.

Strengthen Workforce Quality, Growth, And Retention:

Even before the COVID-19, care centers were facing a shortage in the workforce. That’s why the improvement in staff initiatives is as important. Increased wages, additional benefits, dining, and healthcare among others, will help attract employees to the senior care centers.


What Is the Future of Elderly Care?

The future of elder care will mainly focus on Artificial intelligence. That is because, with AI, one can monitor the daily routine of the elderly. Not only that, AI can examine their treatment and diagnostic process. And provide real-time data-driven insights to the physicians. This will greatly improve the treatment process.

Which Care Facility Is the Fastest Growing Option for Older Adults?

Assisted Living is one of the fastest-growing options for elders. In 2010, about 87% of the senior housing was occupied. And since then, the housing units have increased by 50000. That is a 10% increase in the total inventory of assisted living. This shows that assisted living is one of the favorites for older adults.

What Trends Do You Think Are Expected to Affect Assisted Living in The Future?

Many trends will affect assisted living in the future. Elements such as new technology, social environments, community engagement, integration, etc. will affect the living style. They will completely change the living style of the elderly. 

How Can Senior Living Be Improved?

Multiple ways can improve senior living. Some of them are:

  • Encouraging the senior citizens into participating in physical activities.
  • Senior care can ask the Foster Family to engage in activities at the care center.
  • The social and personal needs of the residents should be prioritized over everything.
  • Employees cannot give their best unless their needs are fulfilled.


Senior Care centers have been adjusting and have adapted to meet the needs of today. But that isn’t enough because the number of senior citizens is also increasing with the increase in the population.

Newer trends are being applied in senior care. And with time, trends that are designed while keeping the future in mind are coming up. In these future trends, housing spaces and facilities have gained importance.

These future trends have newer communities, better healthcare services. This all can be achieved by using technology, so technology isn’t excluded in future trends.


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